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A Sparkless Start: NYC's New Year Without Fireworks

Emma Carollo 28'

Don’t expect to see the traditional fireworks over Prospect Park and Central Park on New Year's Eve to mark the start of 2025. The city canceled all fireworks licenses for New Year’s Eve due to a record-breaking drought and bushfire period in November.

“Though hosting firework shows has long been a tradition in New York City’s parks, the unprecedented number of bush fires we’ve seen devastate our green spaces over the past few weeks require us to make smart decisions to help keep our city safe,” said NYC Parks Commissioner Donoghue.

Despite their sadness over the changes, people have to agree with officials that they don't want to risk accidental sparks setting trees or grass on fire. Consider the fact that a two-acre fire in Prospect Park only last month required hours to contain.

The New York Times reported that nonprofit New York Runners, which organizes the fireworks and the four-mile Midnight Run that takes place on the inner loop of Central Park on New Year’s Eve “are exploring other festive options” but official plans have not been made public yet.

Other parts of New York City will still be celebrating with festivities. A 2025 spectacular will begin in Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza at 10 p.m., and Prospect Park will host a drone-powered light show afterward. Meanwhile, there is still uncertainty surrounding the traditional fireworks displays in Times Square and New York Harbor, as authorities may cancel them in advance.


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