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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Passes Away at Age 95

Zoe Yeung '23

On Saturday, December 31, 2022, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away in the Vatican. In April of 2005, he was the Pope elected after John Paul II’s death. On February 11, 2013, Benedict was the first in 600 years to resign his position as pope. He stated that he would stay hidden, but still spoke out on religious issues. He was someone who was noble, wise, and a great influence to all. He was faithful to the Church and gave all his gratitude toward God.

Pope Francis, our current Pope, expressed during prayer, “Gratitude to him for all the good he accomplished and above all for his witness of faith and prayer, especially in these last years of his life. Only God knows the value of his sacrifices for the good of the church.” Everyone had expressed their grief towards this incident. A ceremony was led by Pope Francis on Thursday, January 5 in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City in memory of Benedict XVI.

Along with hundreds of mourners, seniors Olivia Bradley, Ava Beradelli, Ava Mollaghan, Victoria Bruno, and Jennifer Sarji, as well as religion teacher, Mr. Scheidt attended a ceremony at the Cathedral Basilica of St. James. Ava Mollaghan ‘23 conveyed her appreciation, “It was such an opportunity to be able to attend his ceremony. There were many who were inspired by his speeches of faith.”

Jennifer Sarji ‘23 added on, “Although he has passed, we can continue to honor his deeds.”

As Benedict XVI’s coffin was carried through St. Peter’s Basilica to the Vatican crypt, the crowds were chanting, “Santo Subito,” expressing hope that he would become a saint. We will all remember him as one of our noble popes.

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