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President Biden Signs Bill to Protect Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage

Annalisa Castrogiovanni ‘23

We made history this week regarding human rights with the signing of the Respect for Marriage Act. Same-sex and interracial marriage is now recognized in the United States on a federal level.

This human right has been widely debated between political parties in the Senate and House of Representatives, with 61 out of 100 senators and 258 out of the 435 house representatives voting in favor of the bill.

This news has been a massive topic of discussion on social media platforms such as TikTok and Twitter, as well as within the Fontbonne community. This attention can be attributed to Gen-Z's prominent voice regarding human rights issues.

Fontbonne senior Sofia Salerno-Dunlop said, "It shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. Everyone says love knows no bounds, and it's true. I think people who put these rules into place are scared of love. I am glad that this bill was signed."

Media attention has also been primarily good, with the LGBTQIA+ community expressing their excitement.

TikToker Josh Helfgot posted, "Now and forever more… No matter what the Supreme Court does… Gay Marriage is PROTECTED!" [sic]

Although most media attention was positive, some senators had reservations about this specific bill getting signed. They believe that the signing of this will completely ruin the "sanctity of marriage."

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler pleaded, "I'll tell you my priorities: Protect religious liberty, protect people of faith and protect Americans who believe in a true meaning of marriage… hope and pray that my colleagues find the courage to join me in opposing this misguided and this dangerous bill."

Senate members such as Ted Cruz also had negative thoughts about the bill. Ted Cruz voted against the bill despite having a bisexual daughter. Other senate members, such as Mitch McConnell, voted against the bill as well despite being in an interracial marriage.

Biden did not let all this negative attention get to him because on December 13, he officially signed the Respect for Marriage Act. I am glad that now anyone in the United States is free to love, marry, and make their own decisions regarding marriage.

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