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Is there a right way to hold a pen/pencil?

Linda Diaz '24

The answer is no. There is no “right” way to hold a pencil. However, there are standards of writing. People have different habits. Some may be self-conscious, and others do not even think about it. Yet, we are enlightened when we see other people’s hand position. Especially if they are left-handed.

There are in fact 4 standard ways to hold a pencil or pen. One way is called the Dynamic Tripod. This grip has both the thumb and pointer finger working together to pinch the pencil near the tip. A third finger is added under the pencil as support. Then the rest of the fingers act as a stable base.

The next type of grip is called the Lateral Tripod. Similar to the Dynamic Tripod, this grip uses the same three fingers. This time, the thumb crosses over the pencil, securing it over the forefinger. The rest of the fingers still act as a base.

The third standard or common way to hold a pencil is the Dynamic quadrupod. Four fingers act in this style and the thumb acts as a stabilizer for the fingers. The the pinky acts as the base. Imagine closing your fingers like a mouth, but leaving the pinky upwards.

Finally, the last common way to hold a pencil is the Lateral quadrupod. The pencil sits on top of the ring finger with the thumb across the pencil's body. The thumb primarily serves to hold the pencil firmly on the forefinger while the fingers cooperate to control the pencil.

It is fun to learn how a person holds their pencil differently from you, and although some say it reveals that person’s personality, in actuality it does not. Instead, how you hold your pencil can show your health. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), states that handwriting can reveal health problems like trauma, or stroke.



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