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Stranger Things Day

Marianna Compere '26

If you like science fiction, horror, and mystery, Stranger Things is something you may be familiar with. The series is set in the 1980s and revolves around a fictional residential area called Hawkins, Indiana. The plot involves a group of children who encounter a strange character named Eleven and discover a supernatural world full of creatures and monsters that slowly invade their reality. Fans have hailed Stranger Things as "pure nostalgic magic" with solid actors and a great script. Some of you who have been watching the series since the beginning may be familiar with the widely known “Stranger Things Day”.

In this series, November 6, 1980 is the anniversary of Will Byers' disappearance in Hawkins, Indiana. After a long search, the town finally gave up, but Byers’s friends continued the search. On the same day, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin meet a mysterious girl who becomes an important part of the show, Eleven. Eleven was alone and being chased because of the power she held as an escaped lab experiment. From that day on, they became a close-knit group, and together they continued to explore what lies beyond their world. On November 6, Stranger Things fans celebrate their shared love for the series and use it as an opportunity to connect with others who enjoy it as well.

There are many ways to celebrate Stranger Things Day, including in-person events, online events, and experiences. A great in-person event would be attendinga Stranger Things experience.Youcanstepinto the shoes of one of the main characters and feel like you're a part of the show. For thoseunabletoattend in person, there are online screenings, video games, and shopping for intriguing Stranger Things merchandise.Everyyearon Stranger Things Day, the team releases exclusive behind-the-scenes photos that have not yet beenshown to the public. Since the first episode, Stranger Things has remained one of the most talked about seriesamong fans, mainly duetoitsoutstanding cast and amazing plot, and is loved by many to this day.


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