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What’s the Big Fuss about Football?

Isabella Belfiore '26

The National Football League formed and aired its first game on October 22, 1937. Ever since that day, the sport has become a fan favorite and gained quite a large following. Through the span of September to February this thrilling  sport is watched in 65% of American households. The Super Bowl has also become an event that countless American families look forward to. However, the real question is, should football really be the most popular sport in America? 

To my family along with many others, we believe football is receiving the amount of attention it deserves. This sport brings enthusiasm to many households every Sunday as well as Monday nights. In my home we look forward to watching football games together and believe this American sport has every right to be glorified like it has been. 

Several of our Fontbonne students agree that football has every right to be the most popular sport in America, such as Tessa Lomoro '26. Tessa states, “I think football is such an exciting sport, and the Super Bowl is a great event, I fully understand why football is the most popular sport in America.” 

Molly Fox '26 agrees with Tessa and commentates, “It arguably does make sense that football is the most popular sport in America. America is the country that football is most played in and is often associated with American traditions such as Thanksgiving.  Hockey and baseball are also popular, but they’re played globally, not specifically in America. In a worldly sense, soccer can be associated with numerous countries especially because it has the world cup while football has the super bowl which is strictly an American tradition. With that being said and football's proven impact on American culture, it makes the most sense for football to be the most popular sport in America.” 

Both of these students made great points about how special football is to our country and how the history of football will always be traced back to America. Football has gained the attention of so many Americans and has become much more than a game to many. Football has taught many unforgettable lessons that will last a lifetime. As Vince Lombardi once said, "Football is like life. It requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and respect for authority." 



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