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Why Aren’t There Many Holidays in March?

Elisavet Kammas '26

Everyone loves holidays, and for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s because of presents, parties, being with family, or no school and work, most people can’t wait for the holiday season.

People start celebrating Christmas in November. Christmas is talked about months before it is even December. Whenever people think about holidays, October, November, December, and February come to mind.

This begs the question, what about March? Believe it or not, March has a variety of holidays. Not only is there St. Patrick’s Day, there’s also Greek Independence Day, International Women’s Day, and many more covert holidays.

As a matter of fact, March as a whole is Women’s History month. On March 10, there is International Day of Awesomeness and Middle Name Pride Day. March 14 is Pi Day and March 30 is National Doctor’s Day.

March is full of holidays from cultural days, to days for appreciation. It is a month of overall celebration -maybe even more than December- for people from all over the world.



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