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College Application Process = A Marathon

Ava Mollaghan '23

Applying to college can be a stressful experience for many students. There are so many different factors to consider, such as choosing the right school, filling out applications, writing essays, and taking standardized tests.

On top of that, students have to maintain their grades, participate in extracurricular activities, and prepare for college interviews. Many students feel overwhelmed and anxious during this time.

Waiting to hear back from colleges can be a nerve-wracking experience for many students. After months of hard work and anticipation, it can be difficult to know what to expect. When decision day finally arrives, it's normal to feel a mix of emotions, including excitement, anxiety, and fear.

Ava Berardelli shared her experience with applying and hearing back from her dream school. “Since freshman year, the anticipation of applying to colleges and what I wanted to study crept up on me quickly. Before my junior year, I started researching different colleges and universities to see which ones stood out and found schools where I could potentially see myself at. Duke was always the school I idolized, and with more research, I dreamed of going there...When it was time to start my application, I spent months on my essays, highlighting my best self and proving that I belonged at their school."

Ava expressed, "When it came time to submit my applications, nerves flooded my body, but afterward came a surge of relief. The day Duke released their admissions decisions, I found myself surprisingly calm because I knew I had put my all into the application and that whatever happens would happen. However, at 6 pm that night, with my fingers crossed, I clicked the little yellow box that said: ‘View decision here.’ Clicking on the page, the first thing I saw was blue confetti; from that moment, all college nerves disappeared. My dream came true, and all the hard work paid off!”

Decision day is held on May 1st and is an exciting time for high school seniors as they prepare to move on to the next chapter of their lives. It's a day when students make their final decision about where they will attend college in the fall. This day is a culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and it's a time for students to reflect on all that they have accomplished.

Olivia Mola will be representing the South Carolina Gamecocks on decision day! “I chose the University of South Carolina because despite the distance and uncertainty of going to a college so far away, I knew it was the place for me. The program, people and environment were everything I knew I needed for the next four years.”

Good luck to everyone applying to college next year and for years to come!

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