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A Single Basket’s Legacy - Fontbonne’s Thanksgiving Drive From Then to Now

Emma Berardelli '26

This past November, Fontbonne Hall Academy’s Magnify and Respect Clubs put together the schoolwide Thanksgiving Basket Drive. The drive was a success! Twenty-five Thanksgiving baskets were assembled to help families in need for the holiday. With the help of each FA, various different schoolwide clubs, and even Fontbonne Hall’s Scholar Society, it was ensured that every basket was filled with Thanksgiving items, from the turkey all the way to the pies.

The drive was a schoolwide effort that truly took into account all of the faculty and staff giving back spirit. However, it could not have been done without the leadership and hard work of two of Fontbonne’s finest teachers, Ms. Connolly and Mrs. Nicoll, who run the Magnify and Respect Clubs.

“The generosity of the girls and adults that work here is extremely heartwarming and beautiful,” said Mrs. Nicoll when asked her opinions on this special drive. Mrs. Connolly responded accordingly “Indeed, it is my favorite tradition at Fontbonne because of the school-wide generosity”. The two then shared how one basket started this drive thirty years ago. “Our school has taken part in this drive for over thirty years now, but it all started with Mrs. Nancy Phifferling’s singular basket. From there it's grown, and for the past few years, the Respect Club has worked hand in hand with Magnify to help those in need.

After students decorated the baskets and got them ready for delivery, they were blessed by Father Falce during the Thanksgiving Liturgy! The baskets were later given to Fontbonne Alumna Christine Maxwell who delivered the baskets and Fontbonne’s love to various families in need! It all started many years ago with a single basket, and now the Thanksgiving Basket Drive has flourished to great heights because of Fontbonne’s students, faculty, and staff’s love and support this holiday season!

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