Tessa Lomoro '26
There is a group of students in every grade at Fontbonne Hall with a powerful voice…and not just a confident, motivated voice, but an angelic singing voice, with measured tone and a harmonic sound. When these voices join together, they make an orchestra of soothing music to treasure.
These students consist of the Concert Chorus and Chamber Choir, the ladies who can call Room 303 their happy space. They enter this area humming their favorite tune, and pouring their hearts into the masterpieces sung each day.
As a member of Concert Chorus, I understand the thrill of learning new pieces and perfecting them. I can comprehend the practice and work that results in beautiful symphonies.
With that being said, it is highly encouraged for a full audience at Fontbonne Hall’s Spring Concert! Taking place on May 12, at 6:30 PM, Concert Chorus and Chamber Choir have already started practicing the lineup of music for the special show.
Solos and group developments will be presented, with a light air of enthusiasm to express the blissful season of spring. Pieces like “Skyfall” (Adele) and “Seasons of Love” will be performed by Chamber Choir. Concert Chorus will sing “How does she know?” (Enchanted) and “Hallelujah”. Both classes will sing the complex “Jubilate Deo” and “Sing a Song of Peace”, with Lawrence Esposito joining to play the piano.
Solos will be performed by the very talented Allie Heinz, Natalie DiCapua, Ella Bernhardt, Samantha Leone, Emma Berardelli, and Molly Fox. If you’re interested in hearing their vocal capabilities, join the crowd to listen!
Other surprises are in store for this magical evening as well! Dr. Kaminski and both choirs are proud and delighted to combine renown broadway, religious, and popfare productions, where each musical genre can be heard.
Mark your calendars! Come join us for this singing sensation!