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Fontbonne Holds a Sports Night Pep Rally, Juniors Win First-Ever Dance-Off

Sofia Mark '25

This year Fontbonne had a new event, a pep rally leading up to our 2023 Sports Night. Each year had a dance off against each other, and the winning year was the juniors!

“... I thought it was so much fun,” says sophomore Giavanna Castelle “The whole school getting together warms my heart and it shows that it's more than just a school, it's a family at heart.”

Senior Ava Mollaghan is participating in her first and last ever Sports Night. She shares that since it's her last year she's decided to do both dance and tumbling and she's pumped for her last Sports Night.

Ms. DiCarlo, Fontbonne’s freshman algebra teacher, was one of our judges for the pep rally. This was Fontbonne’s first ever Sports Night pep rally, and Ms. DiCarlo said it was one of a kind. The pep rally was Dr. Herron’s idea, and Mr. Cleary asked Ms. DiCarlo to be a judge, which she enjoyed.

“It was really nice to see all the girls come together and cheer for each other as well as their grades. It was especially nice to see everyone cheer for the freshman.”

Ms. DiCarlo attended Fontbonne and participated in Sports Night herself as well. She shares that since her last Sports Night, it's still the same, only the location has changed. Ms. DiCarlo also shared her hopes for this year’s Sports Night, saying she hopes that the seniors win.

Overall our first pep rally was a huge success, bringing our grades closer than ever. Everyone is so excited for this year's Sports Night to come and everyone has been loving the time leading up to it.

We hope to see many more pep rallies in our future Sports Night seasons, a great way to bring our Fontbonne community together.

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