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Fontbonne Juniors Get a Dinner Dance Once Again

Ava Mollaghan '23

The juniors have something to look forward to after their first half of the very stressful school year: the Junior Dinner Dance on January 29th. The theme is mascarade, and the colors of the dance are red, black and gold. Everyone is allowed to bring a plus one.

Junior Juli-Anne Sarji ‘24 shared her thoughts on the Junior dinner dance, “I am really excited. I think it will be fun to see everyone dress with the theme of winter wonderland. It is a perfectly sized event.”

Junior year coordinators Ms. Sosa and Ms. Nicoll planned the whole event from beginning to end. They chose January to have the dance because finding a venue was easier. They did not have to go up against senior proms to get a date in May or June.​ Ms. Nicoll stated, “I am very excited for the dance. Everything is falling into place. Myself and Ms Sosa had a lot to do in short amount of time but we did it!”

Efstasia Karahalios ‘24 explained she is so “excited because our grade hasn't had that many events because of COVID-19. We have always wanted a dance for our grade and we are finally getting one!”

The juniors started an Instragram account where the girls can send in pictures of their dress so no one gets the same dress.

Efstasia Karahalios ‘24 stated, “My dress is an off the shoulder royal blue dress.” Juli-Anne Sarji’s dress is burgundy with lace that she is going to pair with black heels with silver diamonds.

Efstasia Karahalios ‘24 explained, “The dress Instagram is very helpful to get ideas of what dress to get and mainly make sure everyone’s dress is unique and their own.”

Have fun juniors!

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