Allie Hinz '23
For the new school year, interim principal Dr. Herron made it his mission to encourage new students to sign up for the next school year. Fontbonne Hall Academy’s 2022 Open House had around 500 participants, one of the biggest turnouts!
Whether they were in the newly updated science labs observing a real shark or getting popcorn in the courtyard, the guests were occupied at all times. Fontbonne’s mascot, Bonnie the Elephant, made sure to make her way around, making everyone feel welcome.
Many teachers put together presentations to showcase the school. Mrs. Nicoll and Ms. DiCarlo presented Fontbonne’s many traditions and answered questions from curious parents and future students. Mr. Cleary discussed the rigorous AP Psychology program, while Mr. Surdyka and a few students were stationed in the broadcasting studio, showcasing our video and editing equipment.
While interesting presentations were going on inside the classrooms, music from Fontbonne’s very own rock band, The Tusks could be heard playing from the courtyard. Walking from building to building, guests stopped and listened to Ella Bernhardt sing songs such as “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac as the band played behind her.
On the other side of the courtyard, JV and Varsity Cheer were tumbling away and showcasing their fierce cheers. Captains Ava Beradelli and Gianna Repole led their team in routines as future Bonnies walked by. The team hopes to influence younger girls to join the cheer team when they come to the school.
Tour guides could be seen walking their groups to their destinations while answering questions at the same time. Some parents feel an answer from a current student rather than alumnae or staff to be more beneficial. Our tour guides did the best they could at efficiently answering inquiries, with Fontbonne’s future in mind.
It is important to make a good first impression, especially when the future of the school depends on it. Dr. Herron personally welcomed our guests during an introduction speech using a quote from Lin-Manuel Miranda stating, “Good Morning. Eyes up. Hearts up. Minds sharp. Compassion on full blast. Okay, let's go.” He then introduced two alumnae to speak, one being Rosanna Marino-Connena.
Mrs. Marino-Connena spoke about her time at Fontbonne being the best four years of her life, hoping to convince the young girls in the audience to choose the right school. She then personally connected with the parents, explaining how her daughter just graduated from Fontbonne, so she understands how difficult it is to make certain decisions. Hopefully, her inspiring speech influenced some guests to make Fontbonne their forever home.
The outcome was great, but what really made this Fontbonne Open House a success was the hope in the little girls’ eyes when they saw what their future as a Bonnie would be.