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Fontbonne’s 85th Anniversary Alumnae Event Was a Success

Samantha Mitchell ‘25

This year's alumnae event was very successful! Almost 100 people from all different graduating years came to reminisce about their time at Fontbonne.

The event took place on November 12, 2022, here at Fontbonne. There were tables set up in the Gym for Mass and lunch.

The alumnae were able to walk around the campus and see the changes that were made since they were last here. Many of them were excited because it is so different from what they remember.

I was giving tours to the alumnae and someone from the class of 1980 said that everything was different but it felt like nothing changed.

The alumnae were ecstatic to see the new labs. They said that when they were here, their lab was in a basement. They explained how happy they are that the school is modernizing.

In my conversations with many different alumnae from many different graduating classes, I noticed they all had one similar opinion: that Fontbonne was the best time of their lives. They elaborated, and said how they still talk to their Fontbonne friends, and that they still carry habits that they picked up here.

When asked about the event, Mrs. Nicoll said that it was successful. She further explained that she loves seeing all of the alumnae because she taught so many of them. Mrs. Nicoll absolutely thinks that we should do an event like this again.

Hopefully, there will be another alumnae event similar to this one again considering the fact that it had such a good turnout.

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