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Fontbonne’s Peacemakers

Faith Lopez '25

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., there was a prayer service hosted by campus minister and religion teacher Mr. Scheidt on January 17, 2023. The prayer service’s purpose was to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. as a peacemaker.

Martin Luther King Jr. is of course famously known for his “I Had a Dream” speech and for fighting for civil rights in the mid-20th century. Just like Martin Luther King Jr., Fontbonne’s peacemakers are students who strive to bring peace and unity wherever they are.

Fontbonne Hall Academy decided to honor King’s legacy this year by creating an award that is “About being the student who generally brings people together,” said Mr. Scheidt.

Fontbonne has nominated and voted on one person from each grade in recognition of those who fit the role of a peacemaker. Students from all years were asked why they voted for their peacemaker. Allie Hinz ‘23 stated, “She deserves to have recognition for her morals."

Others such as Efstasia Karahalios ‘24 said, “I believe that people who do good deserve to be rewarded for their good deeds."

There were four total winners from each grade. Those winners were Emma Beradelli ‘26, Rebecca DiLeo ‘25, Anaya Qayyum ‘24, and Jennifer Sarji ‘23.

Each of these four students were honored during the prayer service and were acknowledged to be Fontbonne’s Peacemakers of 2023.

Fontbonne Hall Academy prides itself on making sure we have a unified and connected sisterhood. If we all are able to become a peacemaker, we will be able to live out this goal.

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