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Fontbonne's Second Annual Culture Day

Anaya Qayyum '24

On Friday, May 12, Fontbonne celebrated its Second Annual Culture Day. Fontbonne’s Global Citizenship Club, Advocates Club, and SAC’s DEI Committee came together to host the event. We had the chance to experience a multitude of cultures through music, food, and dance.

Helen Kalamaras ‘24, president of the Global Citizenship Club, said, “I’m really glad about the turnout and the participation of the event.” The Global Citizenship Club also treated students to a beautiful performance of traditional Greek dance.

After the dancing, we got to enjoy a banquet of delicious foods from Greece, Pakistan, China, Belarus, Peru, Puerto Rico, and many other countries.

Kareena Joseph ‘23 and Louise Lauriello ‘23, members of the DEI Committee, also worked together to give out henna tattoos during the event. We learned about the history behind these beautiful hand tattoos, which are mainly used in the celebration of special occasions such as weddings and birthdays. The Henna paste symbolizes good health and prosperity in marriage, and in some cultures, the darker the henna stain, the deeper the love between two individuals.

After countless hours of planning and preparation, we are so glad the event was a success, and we hope to host more events like this in the future!

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