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Junior Dinner-Dance

Anastasia Koutsivitis '25

On January 28th, the junior dinner-dance was held at the Dyker Beach Golf Course. Last school year, the then juniors - now seniors - held a dance in the same location, starting what is hopefully a tradition for years to come. 

Junior year coordinators, Mr. Somma and Ms. Duggan, planned the successful evening, starting from early fall. However, they have emphasized that they do not take full credit for the event, “honestly Ms. Sosa and Ms. Nicoll and her juniors last year did such a great job planning last years junior dinner-dance, so really a lot of work was already done for us,” Mr. Somma explains, “Ms. Duggan and I, we confirmed the menu, we kept in contact with the venue, we planned decorations along with the planning committee, so luckily we were able to rely on trustworthy people.” 

At 6:00 pm on Sunday the 28th, plans became more than just ideas and thoughts, as they were brought to life at the Dyker Course. 

At the entrance of the main party room, there were silver and white balloon columns, which led to a large dance floor with tables on either side of it. The tables held tall centerpieces, adorned with small silver and white balloons lining the bottom, and a giant silver balloon at the top. 

A student led junior dinner-dance committee contributed ideas for this wintry, silver and white color theme, as well as the music and overall design choices. Mr. Somma and Ms. Duggan made sure that student voices were listened to in the process, as it was the juniors’ dance and their night to enjoy. 

Anna DeSilvio (‘25) shares her feelings on the planning and outcome of the dance, “the planning consisted of a few girls from our year all giving our inputs and it turned out better than I could have imagined. It was a night we will remember forever.” 

The night started at 6:00 pm and ended at 10:00 pm, giving the juniors a long, four hours of fun. The juniors danced for most of the evening, and there was time set aside for food and dessert. There were long buffet tables of pasta, chicken, french fries, and more. For dessert there was ice cream, cookies, and brownies. 

Elizabeth King (25’) recounts the night, “It was the best night and I wish I could do it over again. This dance is making me excited for senior prom next year!” 

Senior prom definitely has some competition, as the juniors not only had a great time, but had showstopping dresses too. Girls were dressed in silver sparkles, reds, greens, and all looked amazing. 

“Whenever you plan one of these, you are not able to really enjoy it or believe its real until the actual day of the event. It was so nice to finally enjoy the fruits of our labor,” Mr. Somma says, “Im really happy that everybody seemed to have a good time and all the juniors were on their best behavior.” 

The dance was an evening that will be a fond memory for the juniors, even after they leave Fontbonne. We look back on the past to see how much we’ve grown, and times like the dance will always remind us of when we were juniors in high school, on a memorable Sunday.


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