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Meet the Managing Editor: Molly Fox

Molly Fox '26

I love talking. Whether it is about something I read, a new song I listen to, the show I am obsessing over, or an argument I know I can support, I love discussing. Merging this with my love of writing, I knew The Folio was the right fit for me. I can write about anything, from the school I love to a new movie I want to write an honest review about, The Folio is an outlet for all my opinions. 

I have been on The Folio for the past three years, building my writing experience, learning the difference between formatting an essay and an article, and publishing my work in the school news. Now, as a student in AP English Language, I continue to grow as a writer every day. 

Last year I had the opportunity to step into the role as a Junior Editor of The Folio. I was so excited to be recognized as a strong writer. This year as the Managing Editor, I will continue my work while uploading articles under Anastasia Koustivitis and Emma Berardelli, keeping the school newspaper organized and up to date.

I look forward to my continued work and growth with The Folio!


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