Jacqueline Ghorra '23
On January 10 and 11, Fontbonne’s Rho Kappa Honor Society hosted a bake sale in support of The Hour Children Foundation. Their mission, run by the Sisters of St. Joseph, is to help incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children to successfully rejoin the community, reunify with their families, and build healthy, independent, and secure lives.
Baked goods were donated by members of Rho Kappa and by the school community. Every baked good was sold for one dollar during lunch periods. Students volunteered their time to set up the bake sale, sell goods, keep track of sales, and clean up.
“The Rho Kappa bake sale gave me and the club members an opportunity to work together to raise money. It allowed us to show our support for the Sisters of St. Joseph and The Hour Children Foundation. I feel that as an honor society, we have been able to do something as a whole to better our community. The fact that we all brought at least one baked good to sell, and all spent at least one lunch period to sell the items gave us the chance to participate in a good cause,” said Olivia Lieto ‘23.
Fontbonne Hall Academy students have a great tradition of helping local people in need, especially children.
“I know it benefits us when we put our capabilities and opportunities to use for those who have less fortunate circumstances. By supporting children and women in NYC, we work to make NYC the best place it can be. We live here, so we have a stake in this”, said Ms. Cook, co-head of Rho Kappa.
Overall, it was a successful and well-received fundraiser. By the end of the second day, Fontbonne raised $500 in support of The Hour Children Foundation. The hope is to see more fundraisers like this in the future to help those in need.