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Seniors Take a Winter Trip to Bryant Park Winter Village

Salome Pizon ‘23

Mr. Somma and Ms. Duggan hosted a senior trip to Bryant Park’s Winter Village on December 8, 2022. We were all supposed to meet at school at 8:45 am and leave by 9 am. One of the yellow school buses took a couple wrong turns and ended up arriving at 10 am.

Once we finally got there, there were many different and fun foods to try. The Winter Village had warm apple cider, Max Brenner’s hot cocoa, s’mores, and food trucks with cuisine from around the world. We also had the choice to purchase tickets to ice skate or go around the city to shop with our friends. Veronica Eklund and Kayla Clayton had a great time on the trip, with one saying, “I’m so excited and can’t wait to shop with my friends and the hot cocoa was delicious.”

While the trip was entertaining, there were some downs. Katie and Nancy had a bitter-sweet experience. They said “It didn’t exceed my expectations,” and “The bus driver was irresponsible and the time limited what we could do.” Due to our late arrival, we weren’t able to do a lot of what the other girls on the second bus could. I would say the Senior Trip was a success overall because it allowed us to spend time with our peers and friends outside of school hours. I am so glad that I went on the trip and could cherish these memories forever.

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