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Spring Sports Are Now Upon Us

Rosa Palumbo ‘25

As the winter sports season comes to an end, we welcome spring sports at Fontbonne. I got the opportunity to speak with several coaches of sports teams such as lacrosse and softball. In addition, I got new insight into potential sports teams coming to Fontbonne in the future.

One of the questions that has been on the top of many students' minds lately is “Are there any new upcoming sports teams coming to Fontbonne?” and the answer to that question is YES! (We hope.)

In the upcoming months, we may welcome a flag football team, bowling, and ski club. I know many students would be excited to join these sports teams.

Starting off with one of the biggest sports teams we have here at Fontbonne, we have lacrosse. The season starts in May and continues to around the beginning of June.

It was very exciting to speak with the Director of Athletics and Lacrosse Coach, Mr. Petric to get his view on the season last year.

“Even though this winter has been mild, I’m excited to get back outside!” I’m sure many students are as well.

“Last season was a lot of fun teaching new lacrosse players how to play.” Personally, I and many others can agree with this statement. Mr. Petric was very welcoming and open to teaching new players who have never even touched a lacrosse stick in their lives. He constantly encourages us to keep going no matter what and to try our best 24/7 while on and off the field.

Other than lacrosse, Mr. Petric did coach JV Soccer up until last year when there was unfortunately a lack of interest.

Next, I got to interview the softball coach here at Fontbonne, Mr. Surdyka.

“Last season, we had a very young team. We had our struggles and our challenges, but it was such a joy to watch them grow as players - and as a team. Overall, I think we did pretty well and we had a lot of fun.”

Going off of what Mr. Surdyka said, the girls had a very successful season last year not only athletically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

“We're hoping to build on that initial momentum heading into this season. The sky's the limit for our program. We have excellent student athletes and it's an absolute pleasure coaching them.”

This is great to hear! I hope this season is very successful and very rewarding for the girls.

Good luck to all the spring sports teams during the upcoming season!

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