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Teacher Feature: Mr. Cleary

Sophia Lopez '22

Mr. Cleary is one of our newest members here at Fontbonne Hall and is FA 17’s new faculty advisor. He is a part of the social studies department in which he teaches four classes of AP Psychology and one class of AP World History Modern.

He went to both Lincoln Memorial University located in Tennessee and St. Joseph's University on Long Island. At Lincoln Memorial University Mr. Cleary was awarded a scholarship to play lacrosse. He majored in history and secondary education and minored in psychology. Mr. Clearly says that he always wanted to be a teacher and as a highschooler he “Enjoyed understanding the story of the human race and the nuance that makes up who we are.”

Mr. Cleary previously worked at developmental instabilities insuition. When asked how his experience at Fontbonne is so far he says, “I'm not liking Fontbonne, I’m loving it.” He is excited for all the upcoming traditions and can’t wait to experience it for the first time along with all the girls who missed out on them due to Covid.

Mr. Cleary’s day consists of early mornings and tight scheduled days. He wakes up at 4 am and first he lays with his dogs, Freud, Olley and Bruno for a little while. Then he gets ready and starts his long journey from Long Island to Brooklyn. Around 7:30 am he arrives at school and starts his school day usually with Ap Psychology. After school is over, he usually stays until around four and starts his long journey back home.

On weekends, Mr. Cleary tries to relax and hangout with friends and his dogs. He enjoys movies and comics and his favorite D.C superhero is Batman. He often reads books, specifically biographies, and he recently started to learn how to play the ukulele.

Although not a serious person, Mr. Clearly cares about all his students and wants them all to succeed, which is why he spends most of his time working on school things like slideshows, fun experiments and content in general. Ava Mollaghan ‘23 states, “He’s a great teacher but an even better person. I believe that he perceives his students as individuals and not just as a number,” proving he makes his students feel loved and encouraged.

Ask any student of Mr. Cleary’s and you will get great reviews so far. Alison Kenzle ‘22 says “He’s a teacher you can always go to when you need advice and always make my day better.”

He’s a young and energetic new teacher who makes class more fun and both his cool themed socks and desks full of candy create a fun and comfortable learning setting. Any time his students do something good or get questions right he rewards us with lollipops, which puts a smile on every girl's face.

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