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The Spring Concert Wows Again

Sofia Mark '25

On May 12th Fontbonne Hall Academy had their annual Spring Concert displaying the chamber choir, dance elective, concert chorus, and even some Greek dancing. This concert has been a tradition at Fontbonne for many years.

Dr. Kaminski, Fontbonne’s music teacher and chorus teacher, had a big role in this concert. He had girls singing solos, duets, and in groups. Over the past few months Dr. K has worked with these girls and has had a wonderful experience working with them. The girls are very talented and eager to sing every chance they get, responding well to song suggestions.

Dr. K the girls set very high expectations for them. The most challenging part of this has been that the work would build up, and it can get stressful, but they worked through it.

Mr. H, Fontbonne’s art teacher, also contributed to the Spring Concert’s program, but also for many past concert and mass programs as well. He worked alongside Dr. K to design, create, and structure the 2023 Spring Concert program.

The Spring Concert didn't consist of just singing: it also featured dance from the dance elective taught by Ms. Jaime. The girls in this class had a hands-on role when creating this dance.

Sarah Fattouh ‘25 shared her experience, “Thanks to my choreographer. Her experience was unmatched, and I wish that I could live through it again. Ms. Jaime has changed my perspective on dance, and I will forever be grateful for that.”

Victoria Colonna ‘25 has danced many years throughout her life but shared how she's never felt more welcomed by a dance teacher than by Ms. Jaime. Ms. Jaime welcomed her with open arms and really helped her spotlight her talent.

The Spring Concert has been a Fontbonne favorite for many years and will continue to flourish throughout the years to come. Dr. Kaminski’s planning and preparation for this concert was great and the talent at this concert was amazing.

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